Monday, February 2, 2009

Afrom Samurai: Coolest Anime Ever and Secret Easter Egg in the New movie

I've recently watched everything Afro Samurai since I was encouraged by a friend, and it's AWESOME. One of the best things I've ever seen, and (dare I say?) best anime ever! If you haven't watched it, do so. Even if you don't like anime, I myself am not the biggest fan ever. Get the unrated series, and the new movie that just came out Afro Samurai Resurrection: Directors Cut on Blu-ray, as that's the way I'm watching it.

Anyways, I don't see this posted anywhere online, in a scene in the movie Afro and Ninja Ninja are walking and you see a billboard of a lady in the background, eventually it shows her eye up close with someone spying on them. Below the eye is a website address.

This is the only thing on the site, and it was put up on 01/26/09. Pretty cool easter egg. Oh, and by the way, 1ST!

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