Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Annual Greenwich Film Critic Awards 2009

Welcome to the first annual Greenwich Film Critic Awards

Best Comedy - Hamlet 2

Best Action - Fuck action

Best actress - Sally Hawkins

Best actor - Richard Jenkins/Mickey Rourke BOTH WIN

Best Tits - Marissa Tomei

Worst Hair (Actor) - Mickey Rourke

Best Hair (Actor) - Mickey Rourke

Editing - Slum Dog Millionaire

cinematography - The Dark Knight

Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger

Supporting Actress - No one was stand out enough, NO ONE WINS!

Best Animated Film - Wall - E

Best Original Song- M.I.A. Paper Planes - SlumDog Millionaire

Best Musical Score - The Dark Knight

Best Director - Danny Boyle/Christopher Nolan BOTH WIN!

Best Movie - SlumDog Millionaire /The Dark Knight/Happy Go Lucky ALL WIN

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